Caterpillar-HD Now In The App Store: Tutorial Series To Follow

I have just released the update to my Centipede clone called Caterpillar. For those of you who don’t know, I am doing a 6 part series on how to create this game over at MobileTuts+.

This update adds some interesting functionality on which I will be blogging about in the near future.

I have added iAds to my cocos2D project and when the iAds fail to serve (which is about 75% of the time), I replace them with Admob ads. This was achieved by creating a new Admob ad view inside of the bannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError: delegate method.

I will either post a full tutorial about doing this Here or on Mobile Tuts. Either way, I’ll keep you posted.

Also, be sure to download the game, test it out, and lemme know if you have suggestions. Version 1.1 addressed quite a few issues from feedback (namely poor controls).

Happy coding!

Brandon Trebitowski @brandontreb