Back To My Roots

I wrote my very first blog post back in July of 2008 when I start  I started the blog because I saw a huge need for iOS development tutorials on the web and really wanted to help others as I progressed in my development.

Well, quite a bit has changed since then.  I have written books, spoken at conferences, and built and shipped over 40 iOS applications.  Since selling iCodeblog in 2009, I have really let my passion for blogging fizzle.  For the first 2 years of the iCode sale, I wasn’t allowed to write tutorials on any other site.  This was very discouraging.

Over the years, I have guest blogged iOS tutorials on several sites including and  This has been pretty hit or miss for me.

As of recent, I have become an independent iOS developer and have been solving quite a few hard problems and coming up with some interesting solutions on projects that I have been a part of.  I now want to share some of those solutions with the iOS community in the form of tutorial blog posts.  These come in all shapes in sizes from cool UIKit hacks to building simple backend services.

So, when I say that I want to “get back to my roots”, I really want to start consistently blogging again and educating other developers using the knowledge I have gained over the years.  So stick around, subscribe, follow me, and please don’t hesitate to suggest tutorial ideas.

Happy hacking…

Brandon Trebitowski @brandontreb