2016 Goals

As the new year kicks off in full swing, I am reflecting on my 2015 goals and setting some new ones for 2016.

Here is how I did on each of last year’s goals:

  • Create a business plan - Fail. I did not create a business plan for Pixegon.  This might have to carry over.
  • Grow Pixegon (my mobile consultancy) to 2x 2014 revenue - Success. We not only achieved this goal, but surpassed it. Pixegon did a total of $1.1mm in revenue in 2015!
  • Hire a “director” - Success. OK, so this one is sort of in the middle. I didn't quite hire a director per se, however I did elevate my senior employees to more management roles. This allows them to take some of the day to day tasks off of my plate.
  • Move to a weekly - Fail. But I'm OK with it. This isn't very important.
  • Morning Routine - Moderate. Some days were better than others
  • Blog twice a month - Huge Fail.  I averaged .41 times per month.
  • Take off / reduce workload - Success. More camping!
  • Give away more than 10% of personal income - Success. Our family was blessed with multiple opportunities throughout the year to be a blessing to others in addition to our normal donations.
Overall, I'd call 2015 a success. I managed to hit the goals I felt most passionate about, and more importantly, this exercise has helped me to determine what I should focus on.  With that being said here are my goals for 2016.
  • Professional
    • Land ONE new client.  Sounds crazy I know, but allow me to explain.  Pixegon has been fortunate enough to work with some pretty incredible clients.  Many of these clients trust us to be their primary dev team throughout the year. I intend on finding at least ONE more client like these in 2016 (Referrals welcome ;) ).
    • Build Something New. As I continue to build a company, it's often hard to get back to my roots of writing code and actually creating something. I miss this. It provided so much value to me over the course of the years. So, this year, I want build some "side projects".
    • Hire. I hope to grow the team by at least 20% this year.  (We are always hiring most positions).
  • Personal
    • Be more intentional about EVERYTHING.  I have really been into a few blogs lately (Mr Money Mustache, The Minimalists, 4-Hour Workweek, etc...).  What I have really learned is that I want to be more intentional about everything I do (Family, Time, Money, etc...).  Part of this is removing my dependency on my phone, simplifying my life, and scheduling undivided time for the things that are important.
    • Stop Complaining. I read this incredible book called A Complaint Free World . He talks about the power of Not complaining. This has really resonated with me.
    • Blog Twice Per Month. OK This time I mean it (1 down, 23 to go! )
    • Read 5 books. Arbitrary amount I know, but I need something measurable.
That's it. Here's to a healthy and productive 2016!

Feel free to link me to your 2016 goals blog posts in the comments.

Brandon Trebitowski @brandontreb